I wish I had a story to tell about a life changing event that made me give up meat, but to be honest it happened overnight for me. Its been 7 YEARS. In February of 2012, I woke up one morning, looked in my fridge and said, “I don’t want to eat meat anymore”, and I have not looked back since. I’ve never been a big meat eater and 9 times out of 10 I would always opt for the veggie plate when going out to eat, so, I guess you can say my spirit led me to make this choice. Soon after, I realized that this choice was destined to take me through a miraculous, spiritual journey that would change my life for the better from what I put in my body to what I put on it as well. A month or two into my plant-based lifestyle I was browsing through Netflix and stumbled upon the documentary, Food Inc. I was amazed and appalled at the same time by thought of what I had been putting into my body my entire life… I gave up red meat and pork two years prior thinking I was doing something… HA! Think again! This was confirmation that I had made the right choice and although I do not preach to others on what they should and should not eat, I’ve remained open in sharing “wanted” information to those who seek it.
The biggest objection I hear all the time is “what do you eat” and “vegan food doesn’t have any flavor”… those words come from the inexperienced and I am here to share recipes and food inspirations from around the U.S to prove that Vegan Tastes Good and anything that you eat on the regular has a vegan version of that same dish.
For those transitioning into a plant-based diet, just remember to not torture yourself and to do research on the type of plant-based diet that will work for you… Yes, you have options.
Not only is it healthy, eating vegan can taste good too!